Monday, December 2, 2013

SAVOR: The Little Spark Within...

Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind.  The loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts.  For out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.
James Allen

Sometimes you find yourself in a place where you have to make the best of your circumstance. 
 You have to muscle through...
Find the resolve to take care of business.


Never allow that to become a reason to let go of that inner spark.   

Find a way each day to do a little something to 

 encourage you
excite you 
remind you

that those beautiful ideas 
are still waiting inside you
 desiring to see the light of day.

Find more of my work CLICK HERE

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