Friday, July 28, 2023

Give Me Joy Day 18: Where is All That Despair Coming From?


 Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will

praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.




 God, I confess to you that my soul gets weary from the cares of this world.


 You tell me in your Word that you have overcome the world but you also tell me in that same breath

that in this world I will have struggles.



Bring me back to the truth of your Word.



You do know how hard this world is to live in

which is why you have given me your word

to combat the lies of the enemy.



The truth is that you have created me with a purpose and a plan for

my existence



… to touch lives in the same way that Jesus touched lives.

… to complete good works that you have begun in me.



You love me with an everlasting love.



You do not give me more than I am able to bear.

AND you always provide a way of escape so that I may stand up

under it.

Blessed be your name Lord.

You are high and lifted up in my mind and heart as you should be.

For you are Lord of my life and Lord over my circumstances.




Where does the sense of lack in your life come from?


I am a list maker.


You can always find me putting together a list of pros and cons when I

have to make a tough decision.


I got to thinking about how grounded I feel when I take the time to do



I wonder if maybe this might be a valuable practice to put in place

when I feel discontent showing up in my overall outlook on life?



Joy In Action Moment:


Take the time to really gauge where any sense of despair is coming

from. Is it from your health? Your job? Your relationships? Your

friendships? In the midst of taking the time to do this you will also

recognize the areas that are quite good right now. Allow this new

awareness of GOODNESS to empower you make the tough

choices you need to make to move past despair. What will you

CHOOSE to dwell on.



Your Response:



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