Monday, November 18, 2013

SAVOR: What if You Decided to Run TOWARD the Difficult Thing?

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If you want to find your passion, know your life's purpose, meet your soul mate, or feel intensely alive, don't look toward the fun things that fit logically into the flow of an easy life.  Ask yourself, "What am I running away from?"  Whatever that thing is, turn around. Walk toward it, Face it and conquer it or die trying.
Martha Beck 

The difficult.
We do not naturally gravitate to this,
Why would we?
There are so many reasons to go for the easy.
No one will question you.
Ease is the new drug.

But what if...

All that you are looking for 
 comes from leaning in, staying the course, enduring disappointment

What is that DIFFICULT thing you need to face?


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