Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Ventures...

Rob Bell, founding pastor and visionary behind Mar Hills Church in Michigan has been a mentor of sorts to me.  His accomplishments include authoring many books and then taking the information in those books on the road in rock star type tours in an attempt to share Jesus with those who may not walk through the doors of a church. He has used art as a catalyst to share GOD with the world that is both innovative and transforming and has challenged me many times to look at more that simply conventional means to do the same.

I have attached a link to his talk on his decision to once again move from a comfortable and successful space to venture into unknown territory:


Kennagurl said...

I read love wins and it changed the way I viewed my faith. Thanks for the link:) miss you friend:)

Beth said...

Thanks for sharing this, Robin! I've been downloading Mars Hills' sermons via iTunes for quite some it's time to finally sit and listen to one! :) I didn't know that Bell uses art to reach people -- what an inspiration. That is my hope for myself as a burgeoning artist finding her wings.

Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet robin, this is so inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing!! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!


Valerie Weller said...

Thanks for sharing this link Robin. I love to download podcasts from my favorite speakers. Rob Bell is a new one to me. I am grateful to hear about this ministry... hugs and thanks...valerie