Thursday, August 10, 2023

Give Me Joy Day 8: Why Do You Want More Money?


Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with

songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

Psalm 126:6

God, you have given me

seeds to sow in the Earth

through my talents

my time

my energy.


I have tried to be faithful with the work you have given me to do.


There are times

That I have wanted to give up Lord

But you were faithful to keep the vision alive within me.


There are times when

I ignored the vision

so tired of waiting for the work

that was planted to produce a harvest.


I have become bitter, envious, angry.

Yes to the point of tears sometimes

Yes to the point of wanting to give up...........


And yet.

you were still there Lord

wiping my tears, helping to carry the seeds to sow.



I pray Lord for the returning of the harvest

for the seeds sown

to break out into

bountiful sheaves too numerous for me to count.


I pray God knowing that

what the seeds are producing now

is EXACTLY what you have planned for it to produce.


Renew my patience

as I trust that your timing is perfect.


And your provision is always more than I can ask or think.


So Let's Talk Money.


Let me be clear: I do not want to be rich! Working as an assistant to a

tax attorney, I recognize the financial headaches behind too much

disposable income.



I do think the security of your needs being met allows you to

more freely pursue the passion you have in life; the purpose you feel

you are called to. You could more freely offer your time instead of

wondering if you could have made one more connection in the day, if

you are witty enough, pretty enough, cool enough for people to

notice you and hire you.


My purpose for money is this: I am tired of worrying if my electric bill is

going to get paid this month. I am tired of worrying if there is a school

activity coming up that my girl may not be able to partake in. I want to

be able to breathe easier without the noose of what if XYZ does not

come through. To be able to say NO to the crap gigs where I am

working for menial wages. I want freedom.


Joy in Action Moment:

Why do YOU want more money?



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