Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why Do You Want More Money?

Let me be clear: I do not want to be rich!  Working as an assistant to a tax attorney, I recognize the financial headaches behind too much disposable income.  BUT I do think that having the security of your needs being met allows you to more freely pursue the passion you have in life; the purpose you feel you are called to.  You could more freely offer your time instead of wondering if you could have made one more connection in the day, if you are witty enough, pretty enough, cool enough for people to notice you and hire you.
My purpose for money is this: I am tired of worrying if my electric bill is going to get paid this month.  I am tired of worrying if there is a school activity coming up that my girl may not be able to partake in.  I want to be able to breathe easier without the noose of what if XYZ does not come through.  To be able to say NO to the crap gigs where I am working for menial wages.  I want freedom.

Action Moment:

Why do YOU want more money?

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Art is At Its Best When Life Melts Through It

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 “The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.”
Robert Henri

If you Could Just Get Past this one Thought That you Carry Around...

 What Thought Is Holding you Back?

Here is the one Thought that is holding me back: The one that says I will always have to be in lack.  I can only go as far in my financial life as my parents and my grandparents or my husband's family did.  

I will not wait for permission to move forward,  I will progress based on my experiences, my expertise, my wisdom and the dues that I have paid.  It is not no longer someone else's turn to be successful.  It is MY TURN.  I no longer want to be the ghost writer of other's success.  I am stepping forward WITH THE CREDENTIALS I CARRY and making a way FOR ME.


What Thought Is Holding you Back?

Find more of my work CLICK HERE

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It is that Inner Fire That You have to Tend To

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 “The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses.”
Edith Södergran

Is It Something About the Way You Are Thinking That is Holding You Back?

What thought do you need to revolutionize?

I want to revolutionize the way I think about resources.  Specifically ideas.  I have a hard time believing that when I come up with an idea ESPECIALLY A GOOD IDEA that another one will come along.  I find that this mentality affects the way in which I move and grow as a writer.  I am hesitant to compIete a project because I am not sure that there will be a WHAT'S NEXT?  I think that is why I like to talk with people who are constantly innovating and tweaking.  Their lives are truly being lived.  They seem to be breathing life INTO THEIR LIVES. 


What thought do you need to revolutionize?

Find more of my work CLICK HERE

Thursday, August 8, 2013

You Need to Have a Boot Camp for your Mind

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 How to train your mind

Step 1: Get Clear - now you can go at this two different ways either by focusing on what you don't want or by getting clear about what you do want.  And clarity has to do with becoming very specific.  Not simply ambiguities like "I want to be happy" but 

"These are the reasons I am not happy" 
"Here are the people that cause me to feel less happy"
"Here are the circumstances that need to change"

  Not " I want a new job" but
"Here are the jobs I had before that I did not like"
"Here are the jobs that made me satisfied"
"Here are the attributes that my ideal job needs to tap into"

Step 2: Give yourself action items to work on -  You need to be able to gauge that you are moving in the right direction.

Step 3: Set up some deadlines to get things done

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Do you Know How Important It is For YOU to Give Your Creativity to the World?

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 “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
Martha Graham

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

It's All in What you Do With the Idea

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 “There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun”
Pablo Picasso

You Have to Choose to Grow Your Character

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Do you work your emotional muscles?

Did you know you really can have a enlarged capacity to love more deeply, give more freely, have more joy.  How does that happen? You actually have to choose to put yourself in a situation that causes you to have to stretch the capability you want to grow in your life.

  What to gain more self control? Deny yourself of the little things you can easily buy without waiting,  Give a bit more than your budget comfortably allows. Reach out to someone who is not especially loveable.

 Many times we are able to avoid change, growth, confrontation. We must be intentional about the area in our lives that we want to change/deepen/grow.

Action Moment:

What area of your area do you want to grow?  Come up with 3 specific ways to challenge yourself.

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Wine Cannot Fit into Old Wineskins

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.

 — John Maynard Keynes

Maybe it is Time to Take up Daydreaming Again

I wonder if you day dreamed as a kid.  What did you dream about?  Have you lost the ability to dream?

The freedom to dream.  The luxury of dreaming. 

  Maybe you chose to stop dreaming.  Enough with goals.  Hope is overrated.  

 Maybe it is about being disappointed.  Your dreams did not come true.  You have to dream new dreams.  But you simply haven't gotten over the disappointment from the last time you try to reach for something you really wanted.  

For me I had to give my heart a breather,  I needed to wait for God to heal me a little bit,.  I had to come to terms with the reality that some of "my" dreams were imposed on me because I was too aimless to come up with a goal.

  So wait to dream again if you need to. Heal. But keep the option open and watch for it... The heart flutter will one day return.

Action Moment:

Are you in a healing stage from a broken dream?  Has enough time passed where you are beginning to feel the heart flutter again? 

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