Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What Idea are You Holding Back?

What idea are you afraid to share with the world because you do not think it is good enough?  Is there someone in your tribe that you can/should share it with who will give you honest LOVING feedback?

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Abigail Jasmine said...

I hope you've been well my creative inspiring friend! I am loving your blog here! I love this question...
I am often sometimes afraid to share what I think about an idea..hoping it won't sound foolish..but thanks for reminding me ideas are worth sharing!

I've been having career ideas..and I pray it is what the Lord has in store for me! :)

Robin Norgren, M.A, R-YT, Spiritual Director said...

Abigail sweet girl! My goodness it is so nice to read your words. I pray that you will get such clarity for this possible new direction - I am smiling so big with hope for you right now. xoxoxo