Monday, January 20, 2014

Joy Prayers: The Times When I Wanted to Give Up

Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. 
Psalm 126:6

you have given me seeds to sow in the Earth
my talents,
my time,
my energy.

I have tried to be faithful
with the work 
you have given me to do.

There are times that I have wanted to give up Lord
you were faithful to keep the vision alive within me.

There are times 
when I ignored the vision,
so tired of waiting for the work that was planted 
to produce a harvest.

I have become 
yes to the point of tears sometimes,
yes to the point of wanting to give up.

And yet you were still there Lord
wiping my tears, 
helping to carry the seed to sow. 

I pray Lord 
for the returning of the harvest,
for the seeds sown 
to break out into bountiful sheaves
too numerous for me to count.

I pray God
knowing that what the seeds are producing now
what you have planned for it to produce.

Renew my patience
as I trust that your timing is perfect. 

And your provision is always
more than I can ask or think.

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