Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Give me Joy Day 4: Do I Need more Discipline in my Life?


"These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to

the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with

shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng."

Psalm 42: 4

Lord, fill me with your Joy

as I sit here this moment pouring out my soul to you.

My life has a little too much chaos, too much disorder.

I have allowed some things to take over my time and zap my energy that I know I need to remove from my life.


Give me clear direction as I watch you release me from obligations

that were never meant for me to take on.

Restore to me the shouts of joy and praise that I once had when I was

in your presence.


Remember when you were a kid and you had all of these boundaries

around everything, What to wear, how to dress, what time you needed

to be home where you were allowed to go.


Maybe you grew up and threw off all the shackles and had a few years

of rebellion.


Sooner or later we start to realize discipline at least in some areas is

needed. Boundaries are actually necessary.


Boundaries take some discipline to enforce. It helps us to get things

done, to reach goals, to make changes.


I would say that to bring more joy into our lives we need to have a

discipline of sorts.


Discipline around:


What we talk about

What we let get into our minds and our hearts

Who we associate with

How we let negativity affect us


Joy In Action Moment:

Pick one of these areas in which to incorporate more discipline this week:

What you talk about

What you let get into your mind and your heart

Who you associate with

How you let negativity affect you







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