Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nobody Talks about the The Let Down of Creativity

Linger Question: 

Are you ready for the let down that happens at the end of a project? 

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Lisa said...

I love this, Robin! You are just radiant on camera. And I giggle because loading up the Netflix queue totally sounds like something I need to do in preparation for the let down after my next project. AWESOME! :)

Elysian Studios said...

Great work, Robin! I am so excited about this book!

Unknown said...

First, Congrats on finishing your Spark & Inspire project. That was an undertaking complete with a huge heart of LOVE behind it.
Your thoughts about the "Let Down" after a big project are so spot on. There should be a name for that "space" don't you think? I giggle, because I am in that zone often.
Thank-you for doing what you do~ you bless us all!