Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Artist Spotlight: The Woods Secret Garden

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Dianna Wood said...

Thank You Robin for encouraging others to find joy and to share the Joy of Christ through expressions of the creative gifts given them by God. Your faithfullness to Him through the use of media is such a God Glorifying ministry and is being used to comfort, encourage and rekindle the embers of faith in others.

Grace & Peace to You through Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Dianna Wood

Beth said...

love that jacket!

Sarah C. Geraci said...

That is some killer fashion.

Cindy said...

Wow - I LOVE this work... definitely must have fashion...I pray blessings on Dianna's work!

Jennifer @ Studio JRU said...

Such beautiful work! Her toddler booties are adorable. Thanks for sharing this great artist with us! :)

Hands to Work, Hearts to God said...

Beautiful work! Patsy from

FLO said...

These creations are beautiful Robin. Thank you for making them known
I'm glad to meet you (I come from In the Studio)