Saturday, April 29, 2023

Does praying really have to be so complicated? 5 Ways to Approach Prayer

 Does praying really have to be so complicated?

I don't think so. The very thing that we instinctively feel drawn to - the desire to connect with a force bigger than ourselves - and it feels unapproachable!

My hope is as I break the gift down into manageable pieces, you will find opportunities to really experience this thing called prayer in a more intimate and dynamic way.

Here are 5 ways to pray:

  1. Silent prayer: This involves sitting quietly and focusing your mind on your spiritual connection with a higher power, without speaking or reciting words.
  2. Intercessory prayer: This involves praying on behalf of others, asking for help or healing for those in need.
  3. Gratitude prayer: This involves expressing thankfulness and appreciation for the blessings in your life.
  4. Petitionary prayer: This involves making requests or petitions to a higher power, asking for guidance, strength, or assistance.
  5. Contemplative prayer: This involves quiet reflection and meditation on a particular spiritual or religious idea or concept.


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